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The Sacred Heart

This wonderful devotion began as early as the second century with St. Justin Martyr and in the seventh century was taken up by Pope Gregory the Great. Christ's pierced side from which blood and water flowed, symbolized the sacraments as an inexhaustible source from which all graces flow. Between 1670 - 1675 Jesus appeared to St. Margret Mary exposing His Sacred Heart with flames of love as testimony of His passionate love for humanity. From this time until now, devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has become widespread throughout the world. Today, there are numerous variations of the Sacred Heart image.
Although the focus of this devotion is on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Each image is a Sacred Face of Christ of Whom the entire person of Christ incorporates all Divine aspects of His passionate love for us, His children. Therefore, as one contemplates the Holy Face of our Lord in this image, simultaneously the treasures of grace from His Sacred Heart are poured fourth to us.
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VIDEO Novena to the Sacred Heart 7:15 Minutes
Oct 7, 2007 - Uploaded by francisxcc
Pray this simple but immensely powerful novena with a trusting, childlike heart. The Sacred Heart of Jesus ...
Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 6:25 Minutes
May 28, 2008 - Uploaded by Salt and Light
Reflection by Fr. Thomas Rosica, C.S.B. - The devotion to the Sacred Heart offered a tender, compassionate ...
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